Results from AARP Survey Reveal Preferences of 50+ Cyclists and Tips for Local Action

Sep 16, 2020

Nearly 3,000 older adults across the country answered questions in an AARP survey about their cycling history and habits, any changes in their bicycling routine during the past year — including since the COVID-19 pandemic — and preferences for cycling locations and conditions.

Among the key findings:

  • Older adults bicycle more often when they have someone to bicycle with.
  • COVID-19 has motivated many older adults to start bicycling again or to ride more.
  • Older bicyclists want access to a high-quality bike network where “everyday cycling” is supported and there are fewer potential points of conflict with motorists. (Such infrastructure enhancements would include protected bike lanes as well as trails with overpasses and underpasses for safe passage across roadways.)
  • Older adults prefer to bicycle in communities that feature easily accessible places to shop, work and socialize.
  • Electric assist bicycles — commonly known as e-bikes  — are growing in popularity, with use increasing with a rider’s age, especially as a way to continue to cycling when stamina declines. (See also “Sales of e-Bikes Heat Up During the Pandemic.”)
  • Many older adults consider bicycling to be a staple of their lives and cannot envision a time when they would stop riding a bicycle.

For more survey results and tips for local action, see the survey result webpage from AARP.