Smart Growth America recently released their annual "Dangerous by Design" data report, which found that 7,522 people were struck and killed while walking in 2022, an average of more than 20 per day. According to the report, and consistent with reports in previous...
News: Data and Reports
ACL Releases Annual ‘Profile of Older Americans’
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) has released the 2023 Profile of Older Americans, which is an annual summary of the available statistics related to the older population in the United States. Principal sources of data are the U.S. Census Bureau, the...
Help ReiMAgine Aging in Massachusetts! Comment on our Next Age-and Dementia Friendly State Plan
In 2019, Massachusetts unveiled a plan to amplify, align, and coordinate local, regional, and statewide efforts to create a welcoming and more livable Commonwealth for residents of all ages. The Age-Friendly Massachusetts Action Plan is an articulation of the state’s...
New Report from The Health Foundation of Central Mass Explores Regional Transit Funding Equity
A new report called "Regional Transit in Massachusetts: Where we Are and Where we Need to Go," funded by the Health Foundation of Central Mass for the Quaboag Connector examines the operational funding landscape for Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs), to provide a...
‘Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook’ Released by American Planning Association
The Housing Supply Accelerator Playbook from the American Planning Association (APA) and the National League of Cities (NLC) for local elected officials and community planners working to boost diverse, attainable, and equitable housing supply in communities...
Health Affairs Policy Brief: Pillars, Policies, And Plausible Pathways Linking Digital Inclusion And Health Equity
Health Affairs published a policy brief framing digital inclusion as a social determinant of health and explores its links to health equity. The resource noted the value of internet access for employment, social, and medical needs of older adults, veterans, and people...
BCBS of Mass. Foundation Releases New Primer on Long Term Services and Supports in Massachusetts
Long term services and supports (LTSS) are the critical services and supports that people with disabilities and chronic conditions of all ages use to meet their daily living needs, remain independent, and participate in their communities. A new primer provides a...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Reports on Health and Support Needs of Caregivers
Over 30% of older adult caregivers report simultaneously receiving care for their own daily activities, according to a report published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Caregiving was defined by self-reported assistance of another adult with...
Massachusetts Efforts Featured in NDIA Digital Equity Implementation Resource
Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly, Tech Goes Home and the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program from MBI are all featured in the National Digital Inclusion Alliance's State Digital Equity Implementation Manual, which will support states, territories, and DC...
Report from Milken Institute on Promoting Intergenerational Activity and Solutions
Major demographic changes in the United States are leading to an increasingly multicultural and multigenerational society. By 2030, the percentages of adults aged 65 and older and children under age 18 will be roughly the same, with ethnic and racial minorities...