The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) announced the five-week public comment period for "Beyond Mobility," the Massachusetts 2050 Transportation Plan. The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is encouraging its stakeholder network, including...
News: Data and Reports
Massachusetts-based Quaboag Connector Featured in NADTC Innovations Showcase
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) 2023 Innovations Showcase, newly released, presents 14 innovative transportation practices selected from a nationwide competition. The Showcase profiles out-of-the-box thinking in six categories:...
Report: Suicide Rates Are High And Rising Among Older Adults In The US
Research from The Brookings Institution published by Health Affairs offers insights into how policymakers can build a stronger behavioral health system to serve all older adults in America. This and a broader set of work on the topic is supported through the SCAN...
Center for American Progress: Promoting Economic Advancement for Older Women in the Workplace
New analysis by the Center for American Progress (CAP) shows the significant ways that women’s experiences in the labor market over their life course differ from men’s. The report, "Promoting Economic Advancement for Older Women in the Workplace," shows that women...
Annual Report on the Performance of the Massachusetts Health Care System Reveals Issues with Cost, Affordability
The state's Center for Health Information and Analysis (CHIA) released the Annual Report on the Performance of the Massachusetts Health Care System. Most notably, this includes a final calculation of Total Health Care Expenditures (THCE) - a measure of total statewide...
US HHS Announces a Multi-Pronged Effort to Strengthen Direct Care Workforce
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Administration for Community Living (ACL), announced several new initiatives and resources from ACL’s Direct Care Workforce (DCW) Strategies Center to address the dire shortage of professionals who...
Mapping Medicare Disparities Tool Now Includes Medicare Advantage Data and Many New Features
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) updated the Mapping Medicare Disparities (MMD) Tool to include 2018 Medicare Advantage encounter data and new visual enhancements. Previously, the MMD Tool used only Medicare...
Research Reveals Housing Design Elements Supporting Healthy Aging and Social Well-Being
The Canadian organizations Happy Cities and Hey Neighbour Collective (HNC), alongside Simon Fraser University (SFU), have collected evidence on the importance of social connection for older adults living in multi-unit housing. The project culminated in a report...
Holding on to Home: A Primer on MassHealth Estate Recovery
Blue Cross-Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts released an issue brief that describes Massachusetts’ estate recovery policy and practices and what is known about its impact on members and their families. The brief, called "Holding on to Home: A Primer on...
MassINC Report on Criminal Justice Reform Notes the DOC Population is Rapidly Aging
Produced in partnership with Boston Indicators, MassINC released the report "Criminal Justice Reform in Massachusetts: A Five-Year Progress Assessment," that examines the impact of two landmark criminal justice reform laws passed in 2018. The report mentions...