The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages stakeholders and communities involved in the age- and dementia friendly movement to check out the following upcoming events: 2022 AARP Livable Communities Workshop: Housing for People of All Ages (Sept. 21-22)...
NADTC Conducting Survey to Guide Work Promoting Transportation for Older Adults, People with Disabilities
The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) – a program of the Federal Transit Administration administered by Easterseals and USAging with guidance from ACL – wants to hear about challenges and promising practices in providing accessible...
FDA Approves Over-the-Counter Sale of Basic Hearing Aids
According to AARP's Public Policy Blog, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved over-the-counter sale of basic hearing aids for people with mild to moderate hearing loss via a final rule taking effect 60 days from the date of publication (August 16). This...
MHAC Contributes to Report ‘Care Work in Massachusetts: A Call for Racial and Economic Justice for a Neglected Sector’
Care work has forever been critical to the health and basic functioning of our society. With the steady aging of our population, care jobs are also among the fastest growing in our economy. A new report from Boston indicators and SkillWorks with input from the...
10 Community Organizations Receive Grants From Point32Health Foundation
Point32Health Foundation recently announced 10 new grants to support priorities identified by community. The grants improve access to healthy food and advance healthy aging in places where disinvestment, systemic racism, and barriers to access have prevailed. Grants...
Jobs in Healthy Aging: WalkBoston, Alzheimer’s Association, JF&CS
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is pleased to pass along the following job opportunities from our partners: Program Manager, WalkBoston WalkBoston is seeking a Program Manager to lead our statewide technical assistance programs that work to improve the...
Upcoming Events in Healthy Aging: September 2022
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages stakeholders and communities involved in the age- and dementia friendly movement to check out the following upcoming events: Dementia Friends Champion Training (September 14, 9:30am to noon) This training will...
NORC Report: Many Middle-Income Seniors Will Not Be Able to Pay for Long-Term Care and Housing in 10 Years
A new NORC analysis updating the groundbreaking “Forgotten Middle” study finds that there will be 16 million middle-income seniors in 2033, many of whom will struggle to pay for the health, personal care, and housing services that they need. For instance, excluding...
Age-Friendly Funding Alert: Community Compact Best Practice and IT Grants, Mass Cultural Council
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is pleased to promote the following funding opportunities that advance inclusive age- and dementia friendly communities: Community Compact Best Practice Program (currently open until funding runs out): The Community...
Upcoming Events in Healthy Aging
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages stakeholders and communities involved in the age- and dementia friendly movement to check out the following upcoming events: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregiver Overview Training (Sept. 21, 1:00 pm)...