A national poll of nearly 3,000 people in the U.S. conducted in June finds most older adults adjusted their lifestyles to maintain their health and community connectedness. The 2021 Home and Community Survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago for AARP, provides a range of other preferences and views form adults of all ages with a focus on older people.
If they had an illness or disability, two-thirds of the survey respondents indicate they want to have a combination of help from family and paid professionals in their own homes. Regardless of what they may want, 18% expect to relocate to a different residence in their community and 29% think they will likely go to a different community altogether, according to AARP.
Other findings indicate that most older adults own their own homes and have little desire to relocate. Most adults (69%) would consider sharing their home with a relative (other than their spouse) or a friend (54%) as they grow older, AARP finds.
This segued into preferences around Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs, with 4% of respondents indicating they one on their property and 26% would consider one if they had the space.
Alongside these findings, AARP is promoting an updated resources called “The ABC’s of ADU’s” that displays different types of accessory dwelling units and a guide to understanding zoning codes that can support them.