This tool kit includes tools and resources to help communities in MA learn more about what it means to be age-friendly, how to join an age-friendly network, and how to move forward with assessment, implementation, and evaluation.  Local examples are included wherever possible.

The tool kit is organized by the following sections:

  1. Learn about age-friendly communities
  2. Joining an age-friendly community network
  3. Tool kits and guides for getting started
  4. Planning and baseline assessments
  5. Implementation and action plans
  6. Communication and message framing
  7. Other age-friendly community models

The resources in this tool kit are also available via the Resource Library, where you can browse additional age-friendly resources.

See something missing from this collection?  Share it with us.

Is your community taking steps to become more age-friendly or exploring whether or not to join an age-friendly community network?

Share your community updates and questions on the Discussion Forum.