Age-friendly communities strive to become a more supportive and inclusive community for all with a focus on improving the physical and social environment in support of older adults and people living with dementia. These initiatives seek to offer older adults a wider range of choices that make it possible for them to “age in community,” including enhanced access to options in housing, transportation, and social engagement.
Each city, town or region can apply to join the Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities to display their commitment as a community in taking active steps toward becoming more age-friendly. AARP is the U.S. affiliate of the WHO network.
Massachusetts is home to a growing number of communities and regions that have made such a commitment, which honors and considers the voice of residents in creating an action plan unique to that locality. Massachusetts was also among the first to join this network as a state and likewise created a statewide action plan based off feedback from more than 500 individuals and stakeholder organizations as well as a process managed by the Governor’s Council to Address Aging.
Learn more about age-friendly communities in Massachusetts
Browse the age-friendly tool kit
This resource list includes guides, websites and toolkits to help communities and regions in MA learn more about what it means to be age-friendly, how to join an age- and dementia friendly network, and how to move forward with assessment, implementation, and evaluation.
More information is available in our Resource Library.