AARP Releases Results of 50+ Voter Survey of Family Caregiving and LTSS

Aug 25, 2021

Results from a 50+ voter survey conducted by AARP reiterates a preference from caregivers and older adults to receive care at home, but also reveals an array of interesting stats like who defines themselves as family caregivers and what caregivers spend their money on for their loved ones.

The National 50+ Voter Survey on Family Caregiving and Long-Term Services and Supports was conducted by phone August 2–12, 2021 with a total sample of 1,400 registered voters ages 50+.  Respondents across party lines would prefer for their loved ones to receive care at home and would support a tax credit for working caregivers to help pay for the cost of caring.

The top three out-of-pocket expenses reported through the survey were needs related to transportation (77%), purchasing equipment (44%) and making home modifications (39%).

For more data from the AARP 50+ Voter survey, see the report here.