AARP Research Shows Nearly 2 Out of 3 Older Women Regularly Face Discrimination

Jun 22, 2022

Ageism was the most frequently reported type of discrimination among women 50 and older who experience discrimination regularly, according to recent AARP research.

A poll of 6,643 women over the age of 18 conducted by AARP and the University of Chicago reveal bias in everyday encounters that are taking a toll on women’s mental and physical health, as well as their finances and career opportunities.

African American women reported the highest levels of discrimination in the AARP survey, with 70 percent of those 50-plus saying they experience discrimination regularly. On average, they experience four to five types of it, including bias related to their ethnicity/race/skin tone, social class, weight and age. And about 59 percent of Latina and 60 percent of Asian American/Pacific Islander respondents 50 and older said they are regularly discriminated against.

More detailed findings are available in this AARP article.