By request, the Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative is passing along two opportunities for those looking to add their voices to advocacy campaigns related to healthcare and housing for older adults. Please consider the following, which includes summaries provided by advocacy groups:
- An Act Advancing Health Care Research and Decision-Making Centered on Patients and People with Disabilities (requested by the ALS Association)
This legislation would ban on the use of the Quality-Adjusted Life Year, QALY, a discriminatory metric that, according to advocates, puts a lower value on treating seniors, people with disabilities, and patients with chronic conditions. For this reason, the Affordable Care Act included a ban on the use of the QALY in Medicare, but some state Medicaid programs still attempt to use it as a cost-cutting mechanism.
To see other measures included in the legislation and sign a message to legislators, see this Google Form.
- Create Bridge Subsidies for Low-Income Older Adult Renters (requested by Mass Coalition for the Homeless)
In response to the escalating challenge of older adults facing homelessness due to inadequate fixed incomes and
the soaring cost of living in the Commonwealth, the Mass Coalition for the Homeless (the Coalition) has collaborated with 20+ statewide agencies dedicated to older adults and homelessness prevention. Together, we’ve launched a legislative campaign that aims to establish a Bridge Housing Voucher. This voucher will serve as a vital lifeline for older low-income adults, allowing them to remain in their homes while waiting for senior housing, MRVP, or Section 8 vouchers.
Currently, the Coalition is advocating for the inclusion of $10 million in the State Budget. This funding will create
bridge subsidies for up to 1,000 older adults experiencing housing instability. The older adults receiving a
bridge subsidy will be responsible for 30% of their income toward rent, while the voucher will cover the
remaining cost, up to 110% of the fair market rate.
Add your organization to the list of supporters here.