The Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages our network of communities and stakeholders to consider and promote the following funding opportunities.
Mass Broadband Institute: Community Hotspot – rolling deadline
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (“MassTech Collaborative” or “MassTech”), on behalf of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (“MBI”) is issuing this Notice of Funding Availability for Grants to Gateway Cities to Establish Community WiFi Hotspots.
MBI is soliciting applications for grant funding from municipal officials in eligible Gateway Cities (“Applicant(s)”) to support the establishment and maintenance of one or more indoor and/or outdoor Hotspots through December 31, 2021. The list of Gateway Cities that are eligible to receive Hotspots are listed in Section 2 of the NOFA PDF document below. The list includes Gateway Cities that have not been covered by (i) a prior RFP issued by the Mass Tech Collaborative; or (ii) a private provider hotspot initiative.
The Citizens Institute on Rural Design – due 3/12
The Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design (CIRD) is a leadership initiative of the National
Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the Housing Assistance Council. Focusing on
communities with populations of 50,000 or less, CIRD’s goal is to enhance the quality of life and economic viability of rural America through planning, design, and creative placemaking. CIRD will offer four local Design Workshops that address specific community challenges, and an online Design Learning Cohort program that will allow up to 15 communities.
See eligibility info and details here.
Reminder – MassDOT Shared Winter Streets and Spaces – due 2/26
The Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative, Executive Office of Elder Affairs and WalkBoston have collaborated on a list of resources that can help communities apply for support from the MassDOT program, which awards bonus points for projects that are inclusive of older adults.
Reminder – Mass. Councils on Aging Outreach Grants – due 2/12
The Massachusetts Councils on Aging is is seeking Requests For Proposals from non-profit organizations to help in expanding outreach to individuals and caregivers in the African American community and is separately seeking RFPs for the same purpose to the Chinese American Community as a part of the Massachusetts Dementia Friendly Community Initiative.