The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (“MAPC”) in partnership with MassDevelopment, has developed this state-wide Taxi/Livery Partnership Grant program to provide funding for grantees to contract with taxicab, livery, or hackney businesses for transportation and delivery needs for the Commonwealth’s vulnerable populations and others.
The grant program will support public transportation and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) initiatives that can be served by taxi, livery, or hackney businesses in Massachusetts. These services could include first mile/last mile connections, fixed-route shuttle service, micro-transit initiatives, incentivizing NEMT programs, and other services that taxi, livery and hackney companies can provide that meet local transportation needs, such as meal deliveries, senior transportation, and other services to be identified through outreach.
Eligible grantees include to Regional Transit Agencies (RTAs), municipal and state agencies, Health and Human Services agencies, as well as non-profit organizations whose mission is aligned with the mission of MAPC. Recipients of the Urgent Taxi, Livery, and Hackney Partnerships grant program are eligible to apply for the grant opportunity.
In collaboration with Aroha Philanthropies, the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) is offering up to $1.46 million dollars in grant funding to help state arts agencies
develop programs and partnerships that advance creative aging. Grant funds can be used to launch new efforts—or build on existing programs—designed to foster meaningful arts
learning experiences for older adults.