Age-Friendly Funding Alert: MAPC Technical Assistance Program

Dec 10, 2018

The Healthy Aging Collaborative previously shared an opportunity from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to provide technical assistance that enables and assists municipalities in implementing projects that are beneficial to the community.

MAPC  will issue a new Call for Project Concepts in the next two weeks. Keep an eye on this webpage and MAPC’s social media accounts to learn more. Municipalities may submit concepts for individual community-specific projects and for multi-community projects.

Projects that serve multiple communities always receive preference; projects that advance the MetroFuture priorities of smart growth, regional collaboration, and/or advancing equity in the region, always receive preference.

Eligible projects cover a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to: housing and economic development; regionalization and shared services; public safety; public health; climate change (mitigation or adaptation); clean energy; fair housing; equitable transit-oriented development (E-TOD); bicycle/pedestrian mobility; environmental and resource protection; creative community placemaking; and arts and culture planning.