Local resources

local resource Massachusetts Healthy Aging Data Report and Community Profiles
Source: UMass Boston w/ Support from Tufts Health Plan Foundation
The report and Community Profiles are designed to help residents, agencies, providers, and governments understand the older adults who live in their cities and towns – their ages, living arrangements, health status, strengths, and vulnerabilities. The report was first released in January 2014 and updated in March 2015 and most recently in December 2018.

The 2018 report includes 379 Community Profiles: 351 for each of the Commonwealth’s 351 cities and towns plus neighborhoods in Boston, Springfield, and Worcester. Each Community Profile includes 179 indicators of individual and community health listed alongside state averages, allowing for a comparison of how a town is doing relative to the rest of the state by each variable.

Age-Friendly Berkshires Resource Page
Source: Age-Friendly Berkshires/Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
This page includes assessment and survey results, municipal checklists adapted from the World Health Organization tools, and other helpful information.

Age- and Dementia Friendly Cape Ann
Source: ADFCA/SeniorCare Inc.
A four-community region is working together to become both age- and dementia-friendly. Their website provides a sample survey for both residents and businesses in addition to other great resources.

Roadmap to Livability – Listening Session Toolkit
Source: AARP
Among the six-book series titled “Roadmap to Livability” in AARP’s Age-Friendly resource library is a helpful guide on planning a listening session.

Salem for All Ages – “About”
Source: Salem for All Ages/City of Salem
The background of the City of Salem’s Age-Friendly initiative, along with the membership of their leadership council and task force, are available on this site. Scroll to the bottom of the page for their survey, action plan, and progress reports.

Walk Audit Form
Source: WalkBoston
WalkBoston is a nationally-recognized leader in advocacy and practice of improving walkability in communities and safety for pedestrians, including older adults. AARP also has a walk audit toolkit available here.

National and International Resources

AARP Age-Friendly Communities Publications and Resources
Source: AARP
AARP maintains a list of their publications, videos, and resources that can help communities become more age-friendly. This site includes guides on home modifications, conducting walk audits, and accessory dwelling units, among many others.

AARP Community Survey Tool (2014)
Source: AARP
This questionnaire, available in both English and Spanish, can be adapted by communities to help assess available resources and what residents view as important for successfully aging in place. The survey is designed to capture information consistent with the eight domains of a livable community as identified by the WHO.

World Health Organization Resource Library – Age-Friendly Assessments
Source: World Health Organization
The WHO maintains a list of baseline assessments and reports used by communities across the globe.

Checklist of Essential Features of Age-friendly Cities (2007)
Source: World Health Organization
The checklist is a tool for a city’s self-assessment and a map for charting progress.