A new report, “Aging Strong for All: Examining Aging Equity in the City of Boston,” by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Boston, documents disparities across three dimensions that impact quality of life — economic security, health, social engagement — and identifies opportunities for stakeholders to ensure an environment in which “aging strong” is possible for all Boston residents.
The number of Boston residents aged 60 and older has increased by more than one-third in the last eight years and more than half of older residents are persons of color. However the experiences of these older residents differ substantially depending on race, ethnicity and gender, and challenges their abilities to thrive.
The report states that, “as the older population of Boston continues to grow and expand in diversity—along dimensions of race, culture, language, and others—organizations seeking to promote well-being of older people must ensure that their capacity not only expands to meet the growing numbers but also shifts to adequately serve the needs of diverse
The report mentions the highlighted data is a critical first step in addressing disparities. By engaging with older residents where they are — in their life course and in their communities, the report says, Age-Friendly Boston can contribute to building equity in
health and well-being as people age.