Alzheimer’s Association Offering Dementia Awareness Training for First Responders

Nov 17, 2021

Communities working to become more age and dementia friendly can invite their local first responders to join the Alzheimer’s Association for an upcoming training in becoming Dementia-Friendly as part of your city, town or regional initiative.

The goal of this training, titled “Understand, Approach & Respond: Effective Interventions for First Responders in Working with People and Families Living with Dementia,” is to educate Fire and EMS personnel on the impact that Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias may have on individuals and communities.

This program has been developed specifically for Fire and EMS. Strategies acquired from this training will provide an understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias and will help personnel optimize the effectiveness of responding during interventions with persons living with dementia, and their families.

  • Tuesday, December 7th, 2021 6:00-8:00PM

Presenter: Jennifer Hoadley, CDP, Regional Manager, Southeastern MA, Alzheimer’s Association

Registration link for this offering:

  • Friday, January 7th, 2022 7:00-9:00AM

Presenter: Melissa Grenier, LCSW, Regional Manager, NH, Alzheimer’s Assoc

Registration link for this offering:

Contact Melissa Grenier at with questions.

NOTE: This session has been approved for TWO Continuing Education hours through Massachusetts OEMS (Office of Emergency Management Services).