The Massachusetts Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Disease and All Other Dementias has released its annual report, which provides a summary of the Council’s progress, accomplishments, and next steps in implementing the state plan’s recommendations.
The Council published the Massachusetts State Plan on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (state plan) in April 2021 and offers recommendations around caregiver support & public awareness, diagnosis & services navigation, equitable access & care, physical infrastructure, public health infrastructure, quality of care, and research.
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative and Massachusetts Councils on Aging Association convene a workgroup on Dementia Friendly Physical Infrastructure chaired by Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Among the groups accomplishments has been developing an initial draft of an extensive guide designed to define the characteristics of
dementia-friendly physical infrastructure. As part of that effort, the group created a one-pager that is included in MassDOT’s resource library for the Shared Streets & Spaces Grant Program.
For more information, see the annual report here.