Mobility2040 is the long-range transportation planning document for the Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization and describes the region’s current transportation system and how that system should be maintained and modified over the next 20 years.
Mobility2040 will act as a blueprint that helps guide the prioritization and funding of transportation investments for the Central Massachusetts region.
Mobility2040 addresses each of the major modes of transportation within the Central Massachusetts region. It is considered both a multimodal and an intermodal document by providing an inventory of the major modes, identifies challenges and needs, and also provides a series of recommendations. Project-specific, and major transportation improvements need to be reflected in the planning document in order to be eligible for Federal-Aid funding through the region’s Transportation Improvement Program (Click here for information regarding the TIP).
There are many ways for you to participate in the planning process.
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Submit comments on Mobility2040 via an online survey, by clicking here and visit the Mobility2040 page for other options for voicing your views.