Communities working to become more age- and dementia friendly can apply for a free technical assistance opportunity from Citizens Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) via the organization’s program called “Municipal Engagement Initiative Lite.”
Founded in 2018, CHAPA’s Municipal Engagement Initiative (MEI) works with residents on the ground to change the conversation and support existing local efforts in favor of more affordable housing. Each city or town has its unique housing challenges, so CHAPA focuses on bringing together local businesses, civic groups, houses of worship, and other groups (including age/dementia friendly coalitions) and individuals that are active in their community to build coalitions of support for affordable housing production.
CHAPA is currently seeking additional communities on a rolling basis for our MEI Lite Program, a lighter touch program that will help to set communities up for coalition building efforts on their own.
Please note that CHAPA anticipates accepting applications for our competitive Full Municipal Engagement Initiative in late Spring 2023.
Applications – with full application instructions and details available here – will be evaluated based on the following criteria and accepted on a rolling basis depending on availability and fit:
- Required:
1. Market Conditions to support Housing Production and Affordable Housing
2. Additional Conditions needed to build support. Examples of conditions that indicate need may include, but are not limited to:
a. Municipal staff seeking assistance to engage community around housing
production and affordable housing,
b. Local advocacy or community group seeking assistance to engage
c. No existing coalition,
d. High level of organized opposition preventing municipality from moving
forward with efforts to produce housing,
e. Close votes on zoning and development proposals, or
f. Missed opportunities identified
3. Welcomed by Municipality at some level (Mayor, Town Manager, ZBA, Planning
Staff, Fair Housing Commission, etc.)
- Additional Considerations that may be utilized to prioritize efforts:
1. Trigger: New Zoning proposal, specific site changing hands, public site available
for affordable housing, new leadership, new regulation or policy being explored
2. Past Effort: Consideration will be given to past efforts, barriers, challenges and
potential for impact
3. Collaboration with other Technical Assistance efforts: The MEI seeks to
coordinate efforts with other technical assistance providers to maximize impact