The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative promotes funding opportunities to help communities kick-start Age- and Dementia Friendly activities, advance their work, or accomplish action items relative to issues like transportation.
September is a busy month for deadlines for several of these opportunities. MHAC encourages the partners and communities with which we work and support to explore and apply for these opportunities, as appropriate.
Tufts Health Plan Foundation’s “Momentum Fund” – Deadline: 9/19
This mini-grant program is designed to build on our region’s energy, experiences and insights to create cities and towns that are great places to grow up and grow old. Momentum Fund mini-grants support communities in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island promoting healthy aging. One-year mini-grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded.
A recorded webinar with materials and further info is available here.
MassDOT Workforce Transportation Program – Deadline 9/27
In FY20, MassDOT seeks to award up to $4,580,000 of Federal and State funds to new and/or existing projects that will provide workforce transportation service.
The Request for Proposals and attachments can be found on this webpage under the “Downloads” heading.
MA Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds – Deadlines vary
In January 2017, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) completed a landmark revision of the Determination of Need (DoN) regulation. The revised regulation authorized the creation of the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds.
The Funds will invest significant resources in Massachusetts communities to improve population health outcomes through innovative and sustainable approaches that bring together a variety of people and partners.
The first deadline will come under the Healthy Aging Fund with an “Inquiry of Ideas” due on September 18th.
MetroWest Health Foundation Fall Grant – Open House on 9/12
The MetroWest Health Foundation opened up their Fall Grant opportunity with three categories: Community Health Innovation, Health Equity, and “responsive grants” to address unmet health needs. The deadline is not due October, but the foundation will host an all-day open house on September 12, from 9:30 to 4:00.
Potential applicants are encouraged to stop by to: discuss their funding idea; learn about the applicant portal; understand what our reviewers look for in a successful proposal; increase their understanding of logic models; and much more. All staff will be available. You do not need to RSVP – just come to our office at 161 Worcester Road, Suite 202, in Framingham.