Local Intergenerational Program from Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly in Boston Gains National Recognition

Dec 26, 2022

Following a rigorous independent review process, CitySites, the signature intergenerational program offered by Boston nonprofit LBFE Boston | Little Brothers –Friends of the Elderly, has been named one of 11 Programs of Distinction by Generations United, a national nonprofit, whose mission is to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs for the enduring benefit of all.

Through CitySites’ comprehensive approach to relieving isolation and loneliness, and in partnership with service-learning and community engagement programs at several Boston colleges and universities, LBFE Boston offers weekly social activities and has connected hundreds of older and younger participants in more than 17 low-income senior housing buildings and senior centers across the city.

More information on CitySites and other programs from LBFE are available here.