MAPC Releases MetroCommon Provisional Goals and Mini-Grant Opportunity

Jul 10, 2019

MetroCommon 2050 is Greater Boston’s next long-range plan, and it’s under development now led by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC). Fresh off of a months-long public process to understand the future residents want for the region, including an input session with the Healthy Aging Collaborative Advisory Council, MAPC is sharing the goals that emerged from that work.

Currently dubbed “provisional” goals, MAPC is still accepting input and invites the public to share thoughts and feedback and stay tuned the next phase of MetroCommon, as MAPC researches, identifies, and discusses best practices and policies that will help them achieve the region’s vision. Click here for the Provisional Goals.

To help advance the plan and its goals, MAPC has announced the MetroCommon 2050 mini-grants. This Age-Friendly funding opportunity is meant to support community partners to help MAPC with outreach, events, and collecting input in harder to-reach communities. Voices of people from those communities will be crucial in developing the plan content and shaping the future of the Greater Boston region. MAPC wants to hear from the region, and so they are providing resources to those who will help them reach underserved populations.

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is now accepting applications for the MetroCommon 2050 Outreach Mini-Grant Program on a rolling basis until December 2020 for outreach projects to be completed between now and Spring 2021. Learn more here.