With a new toolkit aimed at aligning and simplifying the frameworks of the Age- and Dementia Friendly movement, Massachusetts is continuing its work as a leader in promoting and supporting inclusive communities and regions that work for people of all ages and abilities.
The Massachusetts Age- and Dementia Friendly Integration Toolkit brings together resources from the national and global Age- and Dementia friendly movements, which is intended to save both time and resources, and directs users to guidance, examples, and local case studies.
These case studies include communities that integrated both movements from the outset, but have also started with Age or Dementia Friendly and then worked to add on the other over time. This highlights the utility of this toolkit for any community interested in, or currently working on these movements regardless of where they find themselves in the process.
One of the toolkit’s centerpieces is an integrated framework from the Age-Friendly “domains” and the Dementia Friendly “sectors.” These aligned themes are then tied to resources and other guidance that may be helpful to stakeholders.
The creation and release of this resource is part of the Age-Friendly Massachusetts Action Plan (Goal 1, Strategy 2). At its core, it is intended to streamline the integration of age- and dementia friendly activity, saving both time and resources.
Please consider including the toolkit’s link in your website, newsletter, social media, emails and presentations. Also, please consider encouraging your colleagues and partners to share it with their networks.
Pam McLeod from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) led the effort to create the toolkit with a team that included: Caitlin Coyle: UMass Boston Gerontology Institute, James Fuccione: Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative, Vaira Harik: Barnstable County Department of Human Services, Jan Mutchler: UMass Boston Gerontology Institute, Amy Walsh: formerly EOEA and now of the Boston Age-Strong Commission, and Antron Watson: AARP Massachusetts.
We will continue to refine and improve this toolkit, so your continued support and feedback is greatly appreciated.