MassTrails Program Launched at MassDOT ‘Moving Together’ Conference

Nov 7, 2018

MassTrails seeks to expand and connect the Commonwealth’s networks of off-road, shared-use pathways and recreational trails for all users across Massachusetts by providing matching grants, technical assistance and resources to individuals, municipalities, non-profits, and other public entities to design, construct, and maintain high quality Massachusetts trails.

MassTrails is an inter-agency initiative of the Commonwealth lead by the Governor’s Office, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Department of Transportation and the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

Stay tuned as MassTrails will provide matching grants to communities, public entities and non-profit organizations to design, create, and maintain the diverse network of trails, trail networks, and trails experiences used and enjoyed by Massachusetts residents and visitors.

Applications are accepted annually for a variety of well-planned trail projects benefiting communities across the state.