MCOA Announces Dementia and Age-Friendly Capacity Building Grants

Apr 12, 2018

The Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) is pleased to announce it is seeking applications for funding of Dementia and Age-Friendly Capacity Building Grants.

The MCOA is using state Service Incentive Grant for SFY’18 from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs to provide direct grants to COAs who want to undertake 1 of 2 goals:

1)  To learn what their community residents’ opinions are about what their community needs to become more age friendly; or

2)  To prepare to undertake a large-scale community-wide DF education effort by procuring outreach materials needed for upcoming work over the next 12 months.

Both efforts need to have a work plan that meets the following criteria:

  1. It is aimed at reaching diverse groups of residents – diverse in race, language, age, gender, etc.
  2. It will include the participation of people who live in diverse neighborhoods, housing stock and will work in multiple business sectors of the community (as showcased in Dementia Friendly America materials).
  3. The AF assessment activity must include questions for community members about what they think would make their communities more dementia-friendly, too. This is required to underscore that an age friendly community plans for the needs of people living with ADRD and their caregivers, too.
  4. Applicants must be able to use all funds before Friday, June 29, 2018; and provide a 2-page final report by Friday, July 15, 2018.

Full RFP for AF DF Capacity Building Grants


Budget DF-AF Capacity Building-2018 SIG Grant (Word Doc)