Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots Available at Libraries Across State with Opportunities for Collaboration

Oct 20, 2021

The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners recently announced that local libraries across the state are loaning out Wi-Fi hotspots, which are devices that you can take with you to access the internet from wherever you are.

Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots connect to cellular data the same where a smart phone does to create a secure and reliable internet connection for devices that need one. This presents an opportunity to address digital equity among older adults.

The Massachusetts healthy Aging Collaborative encourages councils on aging as well as age- and dementia friendly community coalitions to engage local libraries to help promote the hotspot availability among older residents in the community.

Local communities with digital literacy programs may also partner with libraries to assist people of all ages to use the internet for telehealth visits, social engagement, civic participation, virtual volunteering, online learning and other activities.