New Age-Friendly Tool Kit

Feb 4, 2016

By Elizabeth Costello, MPH, MA Healthy Aging Collaborative web team

Is your community taking steps to become age-friendly? Do you plan to in the future? We are pleased to introduce a new website feature to support this work: The Healthy Aging Collaborative Age-Friendly Toolkit.

The toolkit includes more than 50 tools, resources, websites, and sample documents curated from local municipalities, AARP, WHO, GIA, and other age-friendly leaders. The resources are organized into seven categories to support you at all stages of this work:

  1. Learn about age-friendly communities
  2. Joining an age-friendly community network
  3. Tool kits and guides for getting started
  4. Planning and baseline assessments (including sample assessments)
  5. Implementation and action plans (including sample action plans)
  6. Communication and message framing
  7. Other age-friendly community models

These easy-to-navigate resources are designed to help you and your colleagues, community partners, and other organizations in your age-friendly work.  Please share this toolkit with your networks!

Does your community have additional tools or examples to share?  Do you know of other helpful resources? Please share them with us.

The new Age-Friendly section of the website also highlights age-friendly initiatives in Massachusetts. Please share stories of your community work. . We will post highlights and best practices on the blog in the coming months.

Visit the age-friendly toolkit now >