With the support of the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, UMass-Boston’s Gerontology Institute created a study of transportation options for older adults across Massachusetts, which will serve as a critical tool for aiding communities seeking to become Age- and Dementia Friendly.
This work was done to support the Governor’s Council to Address Aging and specifically a subcommittee of that group charged with bringing recommendations on transportation.
As reported on the UMB Gerontology Institute’s blog, the scan provides a comprehensive look at transportation resources in every Massachusetts community. It also highlights many of the best transportation practices for older adults across the country.
The report identifies relatively low levels of medical transportation services for older Massachusetts residents on a per capita basis and finds ample room for growth in the sector. It also examines non-medical “quality of life” transportation resources, calling it another area of potential growth and innovation.
The report is available here on the MHAC website.