by James Fuccione | Jun 1, 2019
The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs, Jewish Family & Children’s Service, and the Tufts Health Plan Foundation convened a summit on May 9, 2016 that brought together leaders from 84 organizations interested in age-friendly and dementia-friendly...
by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Jan 12, 2017
The Dementia Friendly Massachusetts Initiative (DMFI) is a whole-community response to creating dementia friendly communities. Dementia friendly communities are safe, informed, and respectful and engage all members of the community to meet the needs of the growing...
by MA Healthy Aging Collaborative | Jul 1, 2016
This resource provides information on the health benefits of swimming for people of all ages. It also shares the benefits of swimming for those with arthritis, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.
by Courtney Winger | Jan 22, 2014
The Eldercare Locator is a database by the U.S. Administration on Aging that connects users to services for older adults and their families.
by Courtney Winger | Jan 22, 2014
The Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center provides support and information for caregivers of patients with alzheimer’s and dementia.