SCAN Foundation Announces ‘Older Adults & Digital Equity Playbook’

Aug 28, 2024

With support from the SCAN Foundation, Aspen Digital wrote the Older Adults & Digital Equity playbook after months of consultations with tech companies, community leaders, policymakers, and more. The playbook outlines three crucial pillars: “Inclusive Data for Better Outcomes,” “Building for All, Not Just the Majority,” and “Transparency, Trust, and Iteration.”

This playbook is intended as a practical tool for organizations at any level of maturity to understand what steps they can take to improve the lived experiences of millions of older adults, while ensuring their solutions and business models are relevant to a wider audience.

Older adults face unique challenges in navigating an increasingly digital world- and these gaps will widen if they are not taken into consideration at every step of the innovation cycle. This Playbook highlighted key areas where we can make a significant impact: diverse and disaggregated data, inclusive and community-centered design, and trust built through transparency and iteration.

The data, case studies and methods may be useful to age and dementia friendly communities and other partners working to address digital equity among older adults.