State Nursing Facility Task Force Includes Age-Friendly Efforts in Recommendations

Feb 12, 2020

The Massachusetts Nursing Facility Task Force, which includes state officials along with nursing facility and workforce stakeholders, recently released their recommendations on program, policy and funding adjustments to respond to recent trends in the industry.

The task force boiled 19 “points of agreement” into four broader policy goals:

  • Right size the Nursing Home industry in response to current and
    future demand
  • Establish a Reasonable and Sustainable Rate Structure for
    Nursing and Rest Homes
  • Promote High Quality Care in Nursing and Rest Homes
  • Ensure a Sustainable Workforce Serving the Care Needs of Individuals
    Across the Entire Long-Term Care Continuum

Within the right-sizing of the industry and responding to future demand was a recommendation to “Build on age-friendly efforts within cities and towns and improve the availability of affordable, supportive housing for older adults.”

The Mass. Healthy Aging Collaborative thanks the task force for recognizing and recommending the age-friendly movement as part of their broader proposed solutions.

See the full set of recommendations from the Nursing Facility Task Force here.