Transportation Needs of Diverse Older Adults Highlighted through NADTC Survey

Sep 22, 2021

As part of continuing efforts to identify transportation access, usage and disparities that impact diverse groups, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) launched a national equity, diversity and inclusion transportation survey.

The survey gauged opinions and obtain information from a representative sample of racially, ethnically and culturally diverse older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers about their experiences accessing and using local transportation options in the United States.

The results, available here, illustrate the transportation methods used by older adults and people living with disabilities, the barriers to access and what respondents would like to see as solutions.

The survey serves as the first step in a comprehensive environmental scan.
Activities are planned in 2021-2022 to explore more deeply the
transportation needs and concerns identified by the 2,435 diverse individuals
who responded to the survey, including:

  • Obtaining insights and recommendations for action from attendees
  • Holding a series of focus groups with older adults, younger adults with
    disabilities and caregivers from historically marginalized and underserved
    communities across the United States.
  • Convening regional meetings with transportation, aging and disability
    professionals and other stakeholders.