Armed with a $288,000 grant from the AARP Foundation, the UMass-Boston Gerontology Institute will build on the institute’s age-friendly work, particularly the Age Friendly Boston Initiative, and its expertise in economic security issues in later life.
The project will be a joint effort by the institute’s Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging and CANALA, a research collaboration of UMass Boston’s Institute for Asian American Studies, the Institute for New England Native American Studies, The Mauricio Gaston Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy, and the William Monroe Trotter Institute for the study of Black Culture.
Materials for conducting culturally responsive outreach will be developed and translated into at least seven languages by the spring of 2021. They will be pilot-tested with aging service providers in 10 communities in the Boston metro area during the Fall of 2021.
For more information, see the UMB Gerontology Institute blog post.