Join the Technology Learning Collaborative for Healthy Aging, co-hosted by the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative and the Executive Office of Aging and Independence on 1/29 from 10:00 to 11:30 am to learn and share updates on best practices as well as funding and partnership opportunities regarding digital equity and older adults.
Presentations and updates will be provided by the Mass Broadband Institute and Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) Elder Services. Registration is available here.
Additionally, the Executive Office of Aging & Independence can help partners launch a program or expand an existing one. The Agency’s digital literacy expert, Isaac Carrasco-Ortiz, is setting up Digital Literacy Office Hours to collaborate on digital literacy initiatives in your city or town. Isaac can help with the following topics:
- How to launch a program on a budget
- How to expand grant-funded programs
- How to leverage intergenerational resources
- Much more!
Office hours are held virtually every Monday at 10:00 AM. Meet with Isaac on Mondays by clicking the button below, or email him at to schedule a one-on-one appointment. More info is available on this flier.