Why Are There So Few Age-Friendly Cities?

Aug 24, 2015

Cross-posted from NextAvenue
By: Richard Eisenberg, Next Avenue Money & Work Editor

I recently participated in the Age Boom Academy program, Global Aging: Danger Ahead? run by Columbia University’s Robert N. Butler Columbia Aging Center. While there, I heard a lot about New York City’s impressive efforts to be an “age-friendly” city.

Why-Are-Some-Cities-Age-Friendly-But-Not-Others-479151424-300x194That got me wondering: Why are a few communities, like New York and Portland, Ore., working to become more age-friendly for their residents but so many others aren’t? Is it due to political leadership and canniness (or a lack of it)? Do the age of the residents, the workforce and the local customers have an effect? Does it come down to whether there’s money in a city’s budget?


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