Age- and Dementia Friendly Pioneer Valley Launches New Website

Dec 22, 2021

A growing coalition of partners led by the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) has launched a new website focused on fostering the growth of age- and dementia friendly community work in the region.

With the support of the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, the PVPC is supporting age and dementia friendly community engagement, assessment and action planning. The website is home to the cities and towns in the Pioneer Valley currently in that process along with an expanding list of resources to help communities understand the movement and take action to promote healthy aging on a regional level as well as locally.

The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative is providing support to PVPC and the region was also one of three pilot sites for MHAC’s Healthy Aging for All Guide, which seeks to embed equity in the age- and dementia friendly community process.

The website lists the following communities with their information on becoming age- and dementia friendly: