Age-Friendly Funding Alert: Community Transit Grants, Transportation Justice

Apr 21, 2021

Thanks to our partners at MassMobility for highlighting the following funding opportunities focused on transportation. For more recent funding alerts, see our previous posts here.

Expand mobility for older adults and people with disabilities

MassDOT’s annual Community Transit Grant Program is scheduled to open April 30 and close on June 25. Councils on Aging, non-profits, transit authorities, municipalities, and some taxis can apply for funding for vehicles, mobility management projects, or operating expenses to expand mobility for older adults and people with disabilities. A January webinar featured three past grantees discussing their projects. Virtual training sessions – mandatory for new applicants and optional for returning applicants – are scheduled for April 27 and 29. If you have questions or wish to sign up for a training, contact Jenna Henning.

Promote transportation justice

Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA) is seeking proposals to advance work at the intersection of transportation access and social justice. This opportunity is available to groups organizing and advocating to improve walking, cycling, and public transportation to help reverse racial and economic inequities in Massachusetts. T4MA strongly encourages applications from organizations led by and/or in support of People of Color and underrepresented, under-resourced communities who will engage people most impacted by transportation issues in their community. Applications are due May 28.