Age-Friendly Funding Alert: MassTrails, Land and Water Conservation Grant Program

Dec 1, 2021

MHAC previously announced that the MassTrails grant program is open. The program provides matching grants to communities, public entities, and non-profit organizations to plan, design, create, and maintain the diverse network of trails, trail systems, and trails experiences.

As part of an announcement of information about MassTrails, MHAC learned of another funding opportunity called the Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant Program.

The LWCF grant program provides financial assistance to municipalities and the state’s Departments of Conservation and Recreation and Fish and Game for the acquisition of parkland, development of a new park, renovation of an existing park, development of trails in an existing conservation or recreation area, or the acquisition of conservation land. Grants up to $1,000,000 are available this grant round, which are due  January 24th.

Age- and Dementia Friendly Communities are encourages to learn more and apply for these programs to help create local parks and trails for people of all ages.