MHAC is pleased to pass along the following funding opportunities for communities and organizations. Some are in response to COVID-19 and some are more general opportunties for Age- and Dementia Friendly Communities and stakeholders.
More information on similar support opportunities relative to COVID-19 are available on the Philanthropy Massachusetts website on “Disaster and Emergency Relief Resources.”
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing $955 million in grants from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to help meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities as communities implement measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The grants will fund home-delivered meals; care services in the home; respite care and other support to families and caregivers; information about and referral to supports; and more.
Fallon Health Announced COVID-19 Response Grants to Address Food Insecurity and Social Isolation
In response to the many COVID-19 related funding requests that Fallon has received, the organization has established an emergency relief fund of $100,000 for organizations that are supporting food insecurity response efforts and/or social isolation and support services. This fund has been created to address immediate needs around the lack of food, technology, activities, resources and supplies due to this pandemic. Fallon will be funding rapid response grants up to $2,500 with weekly distributions through the acute response phase.
- Grants will be funded up to $2,500 to support food insecurity and social Isolation responses across Massachusetts.
- All organizations must submit an online request for support and must be a 501(c)(3) in order to receive funding.
- Application Link: (
- Fallon’s funding committee will meet weekly to review all funding requests.
- Organizations will be notified of funding decisions weekly on Fridays.
- All funds will be distributed the following week.
MassDOT Community Transit Grant Program Opens in May
The MassDOT Transit Unit has announced that the FY2021 Community Transit Grant Program Application Cycle is scheduled to open in May 2020.
The Community Transit Grant Program is MassDOT’s annual competitive grant program to distribute Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities funds, and State Mobility Assistance Program funds. A schedule of this year’s remote application training sessions can be found here. And a general overview of the 5310/MAP funding programs can be found in the Grant Program Summary Sheet.
See our previous blog post on this alert for more information.
Boston University Extends Deadline for MetroBridge Program
Cities and towns are dealing with unprecedented challenges in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this in mind, BU encourages local governments to submit project ideas for how the university can support your response to this critical public health and economic crisis.
BU has extended the MetroBridge RFP deadline to Monday, May 4. They are currently accepting project proposals from local governments for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters. View and download the MetroBridge Local Government Request for Projects (RFP) and submit your ideas.