Age-Friendly Funding Opportunity: Innovation for the Well Being of Older Adults Mini-Grants

Jun 12, 2019

This week, Central Mass Area on Aging (CMAA) in collaboration with the Worcester County Reserve Deputy Association hosted the 21st Annual ElderCare 2019 event. As a result of their generous sponsors, CMAA is able to raise funds that are being redistributed back into the community through this Mini-Grant opportunity. CMAA plans to provide 15-20 Mini-Grants ranging from $500 to $1,000.

Eligibility:  Eligible organizations must be a non-profit with a 501 (c) 3 status located in the Central MA region and serve older adults.

Funding Criteria: The primary goal of this funding opportunity is to advance the wellbeing of older adults living in the Central MA region using innovative approaches to fill gaps in programs and services. The intent of the funds are to activate a project or program and should not be used to supplement existing programs or services already in place.

Successful projects will be weighted on the following scoring criteria:

  • Advancement of the wellbeing or older adults in Central MA
  • A strong evidence of need for the project or program
  • Innovativeness of the approach
  • Ability to fill a need that current isn’t being addressed in the region

CMAA will follow up with awardees to get an overview of how the project or program impacted the wellbeing of older adults in Central MA. A short success story should be submitted to CMAA highlighting positive results and pictures from the project or program that will be shared with partners as part of a press release and posted on social media platforms.

Grant Timeline:

Opportunity Release Date: June 10, 2019

Grant Due Date: July 8, 2019

Award date: July/August

Final Report Due Date: Upon completion of program

Submission Instructions: Located on Application

Questions: Please contact Vanessa Ramos at or 508-852-5539 if you have any questions about this opportunity.

Click Here to Download Mini Grant Cover Letter…

Click Here to Download Mini Grant Application…