The American Planning Association is accepting nominations for Great Places, Great Neighborhoods, and Great Public spaces, which all present a great opportunity for Age-Friendly Community work to be recognized.
Aside from elevating good planning practices, the selection criteria overlaps with age-friendliness, including a livable built environment, interwoven equity, and addressing social determinants of health, among other categories.
Tell your social networks that you suggested a 2018 Great Place. Use the official hashtag — #APAGreatPlaces — in your tweets and posts.
APA reviews all suggestions. For those that are received — and in APA’s opinion merit further study — we may request additional information.
Suggestions of interest are considered for designation by APA’s Great Places Task Force, a member-led team committed to sharing the value of planning through stories with influencers nationwide.
Communities with designations will be notified by APA in July. Great Places are celebrated at APA’s annual Policy and Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C., in September and officially announced in October to kick off National Community Planning Month.