The Walking College, hosted by AmericaWalks, is a remote-learning program that imparts fellows with the knowledge and skills they need to become leaders in creating stronger, more equitable, sustainable, and livable communities.
Over six months, fellows complete a series of modules addressing topics including the basics of walkable design, how to navigate the public policy process, effectively engage decision makers, and how to foster a local advocacy movement. By the end of the program, they will have completed a blueprint for a series of short and longer term strategies to tackle an identified problem in their communities.
At the start of the program, fellows are each assigned a personal mentor to assist them in developing a vision and blueprint for their advocacy moving forward. They meet virtually each module in small groups divided by geographic type to review reading assignments, share ideas and struggles and motivate one another.
Applications are due by February 28th. For more information, visit the Walking College webpage here.
Thanks to MHAC’s partners at WalkBoston for highlighting this program.