News: Data and Reports

Tips for Advocates of Limited English Proficient Older Adults

A new National Center on Law and Elder Rights "PRACTICE TIP" offers advice to advocates and counselors working with Limited English Proficient (LEP) older adults to better assert their language access rights. Over five million older adults across the country are LEP,...

AARP Offers Data and Age-Friendly Guidance for Rural Areas

Armed with reports like the Housing Assistance Council's "Housing an Aging Rural America: Rural Seniors and Their Homes,"as well as a collaboration with the LOR Foundation, AARP published an extensive article on resources and examples of healthy aging and Age-Friendly...

2018 US Bicycling & Walking Benchmarking Report Released

A benchmarking report on bicycling and walking in the United States first appeared in in 2007, when it was created by cycling and walkability advocates as a way to track data on the two transportation modes. The 2018 edition, titled Bicycling & Walking in the...

Salem for All Ages Releases ‘Year Two’ Progress Report

The city of Salem continues to advance its Salem for All Ages initiative with the release of their Year Two Report. The Age-Friendly leaders and various subcommittees on issues like "communication" and "housing" provide updates on the progress being made in all...

AARP Releases 2019 ‘Dangerous by Design’ Report

The 2019 Dangerous by Design report ranks states and metropolitan areas throughout the United States according to how dangerous the roadways are for pedestrians. Published by Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition, with support from AARP,...

MassDOT Announces Draft State Bicycle Transportation Plan Online

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing that the Draft Massachusetts Bicycle Transportation Plan is now available for public comment.  Members of the public may review the plan and provide feedback online here. Comments are due by...