In Their Own Words: Family Caregivers from Across the Country Share their Priorities and Recommendations

Feb 17, 2021

A new report by the LeadingAge LTSS Center at UMass-Boston and published by NASHP’s RAISE Family Caregiver Resource and Dissemination Center documents the concerns and recommendations for change shared by 1,613 family caregivers and organizations that work with them.

The US Administration for Community Living (ACL)  requested input for its report, In Their Own Words: Caregiver Priorities and Recommendations: Results from a Requests for Information, as it works to implement the requirements of the Recognize, Assist, Inform, Support and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act of 2017.

Three-fourths of the responses came from family caregivers across the age spectrum and of varying racial and ethnic backgrounds, with the remaining from organizations. The responses convey the financial, physical, and emotional stresses that caregiving creates and capture the intense need that caregivers have for appropriate financial supports, the ability to have some time off, and help with everyday tasks.

The RAISE Council will incorporate this input in its report to Congress. This report, which also includes an infographic, was made possible by funding from The John A. Hartford Foundation to NASHP’s RAISE Family Caregiver Resource and Dissemination Center in collaboration with the ACL.