Any city or town that is a member of the Massachusetts Municipal Association may apply for the MMA’s Kenneth Pickard Municipal Innovation Award, which recognizes municipalities that have developed unique and creative projects and programs to increase the effectiveness of local government.
The award is named in honor of the late Kenneth Pickard, who was the first executive secretary of the Massachusetts League of Cities and Towns, from 1969 to 1973.
What’s an innovative program? Any new and successful approach to a municipal challenge or service that could serve as a model for other communities. Eligible programs can be found in any area of local government.
Judging criteria include: project originality or novelty; adaptability to other communities; cost effectiveness; efficiency or productivity; addressing a common community issue; and consumer/community satisfaction. The judges, selected by the MMA, have a strong background and interest in municipal issues. They may be former municipal officials, consultants or professors.
The Innovation Awards, presented each year at the MMA Annual Meeting & Trade Show, give municipalities a chance to recognize the hard work of employees or citizens who have implemented innovative programs or projects, and to share unique ideas for solving problems or delivering services with other communities.
The winning municipalities are recognized through a local press release, articles in MMA publications, postings on the MMA website, and a writeup at the MMA Annual Meeting. The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative encourages Age- and Dementia Friendly Communities to submit their work to be recognized.
How to enter
• Download and fill out the 2020 Innovation Award Application and Nomination Form (13K Word)
• Have the community’s chief municipal official sign the 2020 Innovation Award Nomination Form
• Include any additional materials that would help the judges understand the project or program (such as photos, brochures, maps, newspaper articles, videos, etc.)
The entry deadline for the 2020 award is Sept. 20. Entries should be emailed to or mailed to Innovation Award Program, MMA, One Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110. Entries must include a summary sheet and signed nomination form. Mailed entries must include two copies of all information.
The following are recent winners of the MMA’s Pickard Innovation Award:
Brewster, Chatham, Harwich and Orleans: first-of-its-kind state watershed permit for bay
Foxborough: Regional Hauler Day consolidates inspections for septage haulers
Taunton: Rent rebate program fills downtown vacancies
Arlington: Property registry addresses commercial vacancies
Harwich: Municipal pet cemetery provides service while raising revenue
Orleans: Project uses shellfish to reduce water nitrogen levels
Leominster: Creating an autism-friendly city and community
Salem: ‘Park Your Butts’ retools to improve cigarette waste recycling
Adams: Board unites artists, local government to spur creative economy
Scituate: Standard procedures, templates streamline emergency news dissemination