Massachusetts Efforts Featured in NDIA Digital Equity Implementation Resource

Apr 17, 2024

Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly, Tech Goes Home and the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program from MBI are all featured in the National Digital Inclusion Alliance’s State Digital Equity Implementation Manual, which will support states, territories, and DC implement the digital equity plans and create sustainable, robust statewide digital inclusion ecosystems.

It’s a comprehensive guide to turning the state digital equity plans into action and it includes and is a follow-up to their State Digital Equity Plan Toolkit to build a state digital equity plan.

Each chapter includes information, resources, and best practices from our community and affiliates. The manual’s chapters are:

  • Building a State Digital Inclusion Ecosystem
  • Developing Implementation Strategies
  • Implementation Best Practices
  • Best Practices for Serving Covered Populations
  • Performance Measurement, Program Evaluation, and Sustainability.

Check out the best practices from Massachusetts and other states if your community or organization is working to address digital equity among older adults and others.