The final round of nearly $1.2 million from the Mass. Department of Transportation “Shared Streets & Spaces” program was awarded and has now supported 124 projects in 103 municipalities across the Commonwealth.
The program was launched on June 10, provided technical and funding assistance to help Massachusetts cities and towns conceive, design, and implement tactical changes to curbs, streets, on-street parking spaces and off-street parking lots in support of public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce.
The Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative promoted the funding opportunity as a chance for cities and towns to focus on including older adults in the design and implementation. Namely, MHAC was encouraging communities to focus on infrastructure around affordable senior housing and councils on aging.
According to a press release, North Attleborough was awarded $28,984.04 to create outdoor parklets, reduce vehicle speeds from 25mph to 10mph, and install street furniture, all with easy access by low-income, senior, and affordable housing populations. MHAC is pleased to see this project and many of the others aiming to improve safety, mobility and walkability, which also benefits older adults.