The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) launched a modernized and redesigned Medicare Plan Finder, which is the most used tool on
The Medicare Plan Finder allows users to shop and compare Medicare Advantage and Part D plans. The updated Medicare Plan Finder also offers more than 60 million people with Medicare coverage and their caregivers a personalized experience through a mobile friendly and easy-to-read design that will help them learn about different options and select coverage that best meets their health needs. The new Plan Finder walks users through the Medicare Advantage and Part D enrollment process from start to finish and allows people to view and compare many of the supplemental benefits that Medicare Advantage plans offer.
Medicare Open Enrollment is the time for people with Medicare to review their health coverage. It begins on October 15, 2019, and ends December 7, 2019. Medicare health and drug plan costs and covered benefits can change from year to year, so people with Medicare should look at their coverage choices and decide on the options that best fit their health needs.