Municipal Advocate Magazine Dedicated to Age- and Dementia Friendly Community Movement

Aug 22, 2019

The Municipal Advocate magazine, published and distributed by the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) to thousands of municipal and state officials across the Commonwealth, features the Age- and Dementia Friendly community movement in its latest edition.

The magazine is available on the MMA website with articles from Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative Executive Committee Members Nora Moreno Cargie, Robin Lipson, Mike Festa and David Stevens. The Collaborative itself is featured with Patty Sullivan from Dementia Friendly Massachusetts, Antron Watson from AARP Massachusetts and Amanda Bernardo and Pam MacLeod from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

Specific articles are linked below and are useful for any stakeholder seeking more information about how communities can kick-start Age-and Dementia Friendly activities or continue the momentum that has been already built.

Around the State: Local Age-Friendly Efforts Provide Models for Success

• Age-Friendly Massachusetts: What It Is and Why It Matters

• Q&A: Experts Explain Age- and Dementia-Friendly Movements in Massachusetts

• Dementia-Friendly Movement Seeks to Move People Out of the Shadows