With the Momentum Fund open, Tufts Health Plan Foundation continues to lead the way in supporting healthy aging with a new initiative will to advance age-friendly and dementia-friendly work in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Grants of up to $10,000 will support early-stage initiatives and innovative efforts; $100,000 has been allocated for each state.
“Communities often find it challenging to secure resources to support emerging work. We created the Momentum Fund to address this gap,” said Phillip González, senior program officer at the Foundation.
Nora Moreno Cargie, Foundation president and vice president for corporate citizenship at Tufts Health Plan, added, “By fostering new ideas, Tufts Health Plan Foundation hopes to advance the movement to make communities stronger and more livable for all generations.”
As the only regional funder focused exclusively on healthy aging, the Foundation invests in local and regional work to support communities in becoming great places to grow up and grow old.
Momentum Fund resources will be available to nonprofit organizations in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. The Foundation has convened local committees in each state to inform decision making, review proposals and make recommendations for funding.